In this Netflix anime series the protagonist, Baki Hanma, trains with an intense focus to become strong enough to surpass his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest fighter in the world. Five of the world’s most violent and brutal death row inmates are gathering to face Baki. Their objective is to taste defeat — their unmatched strength and skill have led them to grow bored of life itself, and they now seek out Baki in the hopes that he can overwhelm and utterly crush them.
In this crisis, other underground martial art warriors gather to fight by Baki’s side: Kaoru Hanayama, Gouki Shibukawa, Retsu Kaioh, and Doppo Orochi. An epic showdown between violent death row inmates and Baki and his friends begins!
More than 63 million copies of the original manga series have been printed and the series will be comprised of 26 episodes for Netflix, produced by TMS Entertainment.
production details
Japan | Netflix – TMS | 26×24 minutes | Broadcast from Tuesday 18 December 2018
Creators: Toshiki Hirano, Tatsuhiko Urahata
Nobunaga Shimazaki as Hanma Baki
Kenjirou Tsuda as Sikorsky
Takehito Koyasu as Doyle
Issei Futamata as Yanagi Ryūkō
Banjou Ginga as Dorian
Chafurin as Speck
Akio Otsuka as Hanma Yūjirō
Yoshihisa Kawahara as Orochi Katsumi
Sora Amamiya as Matsumoto Kozue
Mugihito as Tokugawa Mitsunari
Takayuki Sugo as Orochi Doppo
Bin Shimada as Shibukawa Gōki
Rikiya Koyama as Retsu Kaiō
Takuya Eguchi as Hanayama Kaoru