Crime drama series. Spin off from the above that saw Mitch, on his off hours from the beach, working as a private detective with ex-cop Garner (in season one anyway) and fellow private eye Ryan McBride. Season two saw major changes, with the cast being bitten by the X-Files buig and tracking supernatural style beings and the like.
production details
DAVID HASSELHOFF as Mitch Bucannon
GREGORY ALAN-WILLIAMS as Garner Ellerbee (season one)
ANGIE HARMON as Ryan McBride
LISA STAHL as Destiny Desimone (1995)
LOU RAWLS as Lou Raymond (1995-98)
EDDIE CIBRIAN as Griff Walker (1996-97)
DONNA D’ERRICO as Donna Marco (1996-97)
DORIAN GREGORY as Diamont Teague
Creator: David Hasselhoff, Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz, Gregory J. Bonann
USA | Syndicated / 44×43 minutes | 1995-1997