In teen crime drama TV Movie Bixler High Private Eye, teenage detective Xander DeWitt is the new kid at Bixler Valley High, and he’s there to unravel the biggest mystery of his life- the truth about his missing father. But in order to crack this case, Xander must learn to work with a partner- fearless investigative reporter Kenzie Messina.
production details
USA | Nickelodeon | 90 minutes | Broadcast Monday 21 January 2019 at 7.00pm
Director: Leslie Kolins Small
Script: Christopher Baldi Danny Kallis Michele J. Wolff
Jace Norman as Xander DeWitt
Samiyah Womack as Cara Jean
Ed Begley Jr. as Charlie DeWitt
Ariel Martin as Kenzie Messina
Terryn Westbrook as Ellen DeWitt
Marissa Morgan as Female Cop
Ashley Michelle Brenner as Student
Mike C. Nelson as Sheriff Mundy
Eric M. Myrick as Male Cop
Matt Mitchell as Young Russell Dewitt
Winston A. Marshall as Mr. Wells