Black Velvet Band (ITV 1997, Nick Berry, Todd Carty)

Period drama Black Velvet Band takes us back to Victorian times when a gang of petty crooks find themselves sentenced to transportation to Australia, their ship, however, docks in South Africa and the gang manage to make their escape.

The three stars had all appeared in Eastenders together and the initial idea came from Chris McHallem. Nick Berry, thanks to being the darling of ITV at the time because of his hit show Heartbeat, had the clout to get it made.

production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire TV / 1×100 minute episode / Broadcast 24 December 1997

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Idea: Chris McHallem / Writer: Johnathon Critchley / Music: Hughes and Murphy / Costume: Darian Hing / Executive Producer: Keith Richardson / Producer: Peter Walker / Director: Robert Knights

Nick Berry as Martin Tusco
Todd Carty as Pentecost
Chris McHallem as Shut-Eye
Stephen Marcus as Nudge
Ian Roberts as Dwyer
Michael Atkinson as Lord George Grey
Nick Borrain as Private Secretary
Aldo Brincat as First Sailor
Michael Brunner as Piet
John Carson as Colonel Rowan
Gabrielle Cirillo as Louisa
Jackie Davids as Mrs Rex
Frantz Dobrowsky as Leach
Ralph Draper as Magistrate
Desmond Dube as Undertaker’s Assistant
Alex Ferns as Major Watson
Ronald France as Sir Harry Smith
Nicole Franco as Maria Rex
Ken Gampu as Witch Doctor
Zukile Gqobofe as Watson’s Corporal
Jonathan Griffin as Hannah
Thomas Hall as Duthie
Stephen Jennings as Edward Rex
Kyle Jones as Thomas
David Lee as Sergeant Howe
Emily McArthur as Rose Tusco
Ken Marshall as Cart Driver
Amy Marston as Half-Pint
Victor Mellaney as Lord Chief Justice
Greg Melvill-Smith as P. E. Bartender
Eric Nobbs as Fruit Farmer
Michael Richard as Bar Owner
Robin Smith as Vermeer
Lee Sparrowhawk as Walker
Adrian Steed as Sir John Jervis
Chris Steyn as Bus Driver
Ashley Taylor as Surgeon Lieutenant Fenwick
Jonathan Taylor as Second Sailor
Iain Winter Smith as Captain Moore
James White as Magistrate’s Clerk
Ian Yule as Yeoman Warder

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.