In short lived sitcom Bloomers out of work actor Stan (Richard Beckinsale) decides to take a purely ‘temporary’ job in a florists.
Richard Beckinsale died whilst working on the sixth and final episode of the series. Beckinsale was easily one of the UK’s most popular actors at the time, having made his name in both Porridge and Rising Damp. He was only 31 when he died. He had a heart condition that he didn’t know about.
Cast: Richard Beckinsale as Stan; David Swift as Dingley; Anna Calder-Marshall as Lena; Paul Curran as George; Pat Gorman as Pub Landlord
Writer: James Saunders / Producer: Roger Race
UK / BBC Two / 5×30 minutes / Broadcast 27 September – 25 October 1979 Thursdays 9.30pm