In very popular BBC comedy drama serial Blott on the Landscape, based on the novel by Tom Sharpe, Sir Giles Lynchwood MP (George Cole) plans to authorise a new bypass to be built right through the heart of his hated wife Lady Maud’s (Geraldine James) ancestral home. His gardener Blott (David Suchet) launches a plan to stop him.
Cast: GEORGE COLE as Sir Giles Lynchwood MP; GERALDINE JAMES as Lady Maud Lynchwood; DAVID SUCHET as Blott; JULIA McKENZIE as Mrs Forthby; SIMON CADELL as Dundridge; GEOFFREY BAYLDON as Ganglion; PAUL BROOKE as Hoskins; JEREMY CLYDE as Denster; JIMMY NAIL; SARAH PORTER as Bessie Williams; C.P. (aka Claire) GROGAN
Writer: Malcolm Bradbury / Novel: Tom Sharpe / Producer: Evgeny Gridneff / Director: Roger Bamford
UK / BBC Two / 6×50 minute episodes / Broadcast 6 February – 13 March 1985 Wednesdays at 9.00pm