Brave New World (NBC 1980, Julie Cobb, Bud Cort)

SciFi drama serial Brave New World was set 600 years in the future where there is no such thing as Love or free expression and all babies are born in test tubes.

The son of the director of Central Hatcheries causes scandal when he falls in love. There was also a TV Movie version made in 1998.

Julie Cobb as Linda Lysenko
Bud Cort as Bernard Marx
Keir Dullea as Thomas Grambell
Ron O’Neal as Mustapha Mond
Marcia Strassman as Lenina Disney
Kristoffer Tabori as John Savage
Dick Anthony Williams as Helmholz Watson
Jonelle Allen as Fanny Crowne
Jeannetta Arnette as Dwightina
Valerie Curtin as Chief Warden Stelina Shell
Tricia O’Neil as Maoina Krupps
Victoria Racimo as Beta Teacher
Sherri Brewer as Rochina
Reb Brown as Henry
Lee Chamberlin as Head Nanny Nurse

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crew details
Writer: Robert E. Thompson
Novel: Aldous Huxley
Producer: Jaqueline Babbin
Director: Burt Brinckerhoff

production details
Country: USA
Network and Production Companies: NBC – Universal – Milton Sperling
Duration: 1×180 minute episode
Aired From: 7 March 1980

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.