Sitcom Brothers In Law detailed the misadventures of bumbling trainee barrister Roger Thursby (Richard Briers). The series was based on the 1955 novel by County Court Judge Henry Cecil and had been turned into a successful 1957 Ian Carmichael movie. This series was Richard Briers first starring role too.
Despite only running for 13 episodes on television the series gained a second life on radio running for 39 episodes between 9 June 1970 and 17 July 1972 with Briers and Glyn-Jones reprising their TV roles. It also gained a spin-off in the shape of Mr Justice Duncannon.
Writer Richard Waring also had a regular acting role in this as Roger’s senior Henry Blagrove.
Cast: Richard Briers as Roger Thursby; Richard Waring as Henry Blagrove; John Glyn-Jones as Kendall Grimes; June Barry as Sally Mannering; Walter Hudd as Judge
Writer: Denis Norden, Frank Muir, Richard Waring, Myles Rudge, David Climie / Novel: Henry Cecil / Producer: Graeme Muir
UK / BBC / 13×30 minute episodes / 17 April – 10 July 1962