Capital City was a drama series that aired on the ITV Network between 1989 and 1990. Douglas Hodge starred as Declan McConnochie who was one of the lead players in these high octane stories of the traders at a London Merchant bank.
The series, which was made for ITV by Thames – Euston, was created by Andrew McLear and produced by Irving Teitelbaum. Colin Towns provided the theme tune.
Some well known faces appeared in the cast including Jason Isaacs who played Chas Ewell, Dorian Healy was Jimmy Destry and Joanna Kanska played Sirkki Nieminen. Louise Lombard also appeared in season one. Emily Bolton as Sylvia Roux Teng and Trevyn McDowell as Michelle joined the cast for the second season.
There were 23 episodes made in total over the course of two seasons, with each episode running 50 minutes.