Following an unexpected breakup weeks before Christmas, Hannah (Sarah Drew), tech wiz and creator of the dating app, Perfect One, heads home for the holidays, challenged to save her failing business by re-conceiving a new romantic dating model. Upon her return she runs into her high school boyfriend, Sam (Niall Matter) who she has carefully avoided for years and reluctantly makes a deal with her dad, Ted (Michael Gross) to sign up for the town’s Christmas Cupid, an anonymous holiday pen pal service.
As the season progresses, Hannah is smitten by each beautifully written letter she receives and starts to believe that her Christmas pen pal could be her soul mate. It’s not until Christmas Eve that everyone must reveal their true identities to their pen pals, even if it means coming face to face with the last person they ever expected.
production details
USA | Lifetime – Pen Pals Films | 1×120 minutes | Broadcast Saturday 15 December 2018 at 8.00pm
Carley Smale as Writer
Christian Bruyere as Producer
Siobhan Devine as Director
Howard Braunstein as Executive Producer
Jack Grossbart as Executive Producer
Linda Kent as Executive Producer
Sarah Drew as Hannah
Niall Matter as Sam
Michael Gross as Ted
Giles Panton
Christine Willes
Vincent Dangerfield
Cardi Wong
Chiara Zanni
Latonya Williams
Naika Toussaint