Comedy Four was a short run anthology of single comedies that had a loose theme attached to them – that of dealing with the 1960’s. In 1963 the sixties had barely even started and they certainly weren’t swinging.
In the week of the premiere of the first episode, Tea at the Ritz’s, The TV Times played up the fact that the series was a replacement for Bootsie and Snudge and that it shared some of it’s writers and producer with that show.
The casts were good and featured comedy legends such as Kenneth Connor, Norman Rossington and Derrick Guyler.
According to original documentation about the series two other single comedies A Little Big Business and Tin Pan Alice were originally intended to be part of this series but were not broadcast until later.
production details
UK / ITV – Granada / 4×25 minute episodes / Broadcast 6 June – 27 June 1963
Script Editor: Barry Took / Producer: Peter Eton / Director: Graeme McDonald
1. TEA AT THE RITZ (6 Jun 1963)
2. FIT FOR HEROES (13 Jun 1963)
3. SCOOP (20 Jun 1963)
4. HOME FROM HOME (27 Jun 1963)