This short lived sitcom was a spin off from comedy drama series The Shillingbury Tales. The series detailed the exploits of trampish handy man Cuffy (Bernard Cribbins) who lived in a run down caravan in the village of Shillingbury.
Outside of Robin Nedwell and Diane Keen, who were the stars of “Blowers,” quite a few characters from that show turned up including farmer Jake (Jack Douglas) and his daughter Mandy (Linda Hayden). Other regulars included the Reverend Norris (Nigel Lambert) and Mrs Simkins (Diana King).
In the introduction to his novelisation of The Shillingbury Tales, series creator Francis Essex made note of the fact that the character of Cuffy was actually created by Bob Monkhouse who contributed Cuffy’s story when Essex found himself behind with the scripts.
Cast: Bernard Cribbins as Cuffy; Jack Douglas as Jake; Nigel Lambert as Rev Norris; Linda Hayden as Mandy; Diana King as Mrs Simkins
Writer: Francis Essex / Producers: Paul Harrison, Christopher Baker / Executive Producer: Greg Smith
UK / ITV – Central / 6×30 minute episodes / 13 March – 24 April 1983 Sundays at 7.45pm