Period sitcom Dark Ages was set in the year 999 with the world on the cusp of a new Millennium, Britain is facing riots and invasion by the Vikings, but Gudrun (Phil Jupitis) of the village of Sludgebrook has more pressing things on his mind, such as where his next meal is coming from.
There was a role for a young Sheridan Smith who played Matilda. Series creator Rob Grant is better known as the co-creator of scifi sitcom Red Dwarf. Here he was working solo rather than with regular writing partner Doug Naylor.
The shows episodes were shown over the festive period in three blocks with 1 and 2 and 4 and 5 being shown together, start time was usually around 10.00pm.
Cast: Phill Jupitus as Gudrun; Alistair McGowan as Redwald; Pauline McLynn as Agnes; Dave Lamb as Badsmith; Paul Putner as Bigwart; Mike Hayley as Byrnoth; Sheridan Smith as Matilda; Laurence Howarth as Cedric
Writer: Rob Grant / Music: Joby Talbot / Design: John Anderson / Titles: Glam Prod. / Costume: Caroline Pitcher / Executive Producer: Andy Harries / Producer: Justin Judd / Director: Steve Bendelack
UK / ITV – Granada / 5×30 minute episodes / Broadcast 20 – 27 December 1999