Thriller. A gripping tale of 20th Century piracy, inspired by real events, Deadly Voyage tells the story of a young African stowaway’s fight to escape a murderous crew after the slaughter of his friends on board a container ship in mid-Atlantic. The claustrophobic tension builds as the hunt is played out in the dark labyrinthine bowels of this floating death ship.
Filmed between 4th November – 23rd December 1995 in Ghana, Africa
production details
USA | BBC – HBO and Union Pictures Ltd | 1×120 minutes | 1996
Writer: Stuart Urban
Executive Producers: Franc Roddam, George Faber
Producers: Brad Adams, John Goldschmidt
Director: John MacKenzie
Omar Epps as Kingsley Ofusu
Joss Ackland as Captain
Sean Pertwee as Ian
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Emmanuel
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Ebow
Andrew Divoff as Romachenko
David Suchet as Nicholas Vlachos