In sitcom Divided We Stand married couple Maisie (Anna Keaveney) and Shaun Curry (Bert) decide to separate but neither is prepared to leave their house – so they split it down the middle. Although Bert is convinced this is just a short term thing, Maisie is determined this is the end of their marriage.
The excellent Peter Childs was also a regular as Jack and Michelle Holmes played daughter Susan.
Myra Taylor (co-creator of The Liver Birds) channels the classic Steptoe and Son episode that was also called Divided We Stand and managed to get a whole series out of it.
Cast: Anna Keaveney as Maisie; Shaun Curry as Bert; Maggie McCarthy as Rita; Peter Childs as Jack; Vivienne Martin as Edna; Michelle Holmes as Susan
Writer: Myra Taylor / Directors: Sue Bysh, Harold Snoad
UK / BBC One / 6×30 minute episode / 10 November 1987 – 5 January 1988 / Tuesdays at 7.00pm