In ITV sitcom Downwardly Mobile a financial crisis forces Mark (Stephen Tompkinson) and Sophie (Josie Lawrence) to move in with Mark’s brother Clem (Philip Jackson) and his partner Rosemary (Frances De La Tour).
The classic flat sharing scenario is given a slight twist here. Mark had been a real city Yuppie who managed to lose his company a fortune and is now out of work and out of somewhere to live. His spoilt wife Sophie is less than impressed by their current downtown. Meanwhile Clem works with his hands as a maker of medieval lutes and Rosemary is a psychotherapist.
It’s the culture class and lack of understanding between the two couples that drives most of the humour.
The series was due to air in 1992 with Simon Cadell playing Clem but he sadly died and the series was then put on hold until it aired in July 194.
Cast: Frances de la Tour as Rosemary; Philip Jackson as Clem; Josie Lawrence as Sophie; Stephen Tompkinson as Mark
Writers: Alastair Beaton, Barry Pilton / Producers: Philip Hincliffe / Executive Producers: David Reynolds / Director: Martin Dennis
UK / ITV – Yorkshire – Portman / 6×30 minute episodes / 1994 21 July – 1 September 1994 Thursdays at 8.30pm