East Wind, The (ITV 1966, Lee Montague, Robert Lang)

The East Wind followed the troubled lives of two Polish refugees, Zauber and Konarski, who run a delicatessen shop in London.

On the surface it seems as though Konarski is happy with his lot but when he attempts suicide we learn, through flashback just what a hard time he has had making head roads in the new country he is calling home.

Author Leo Lehman was himself a Polish immigrant although he said the play was not based on his own experience in any way other than the fact that if you are not born in a country you are always a foreigner.

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production details
UK / ITV – ATV / 1×90 minute episode / Broadcast Tuesday 15 November 1966 @ 9.10pm

Writer: Leo Lehman / Production Design: Henry Graveney / Producer: Cecil Clarke / Director: Graham Evans

Lee Montague as Zauber
Robert Lang as Konarksi
Barbara Lott as Doris
Gladys Bacon as Mrs Humphries
Guy Deghy as Bamberg
Judith Harte as Mrs Bamberg
Lionel Guyett as Vitek
Will Leighton as Lowacki
Frank Littlewood as Crockett
Haydn Jones as Jack

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.