In sitcom Farrington of the F.O. Harriet Emily Farrington (Angela Thorne) finds herself appointed British consul in an obscure Latin American Republic. While Harriet does her best to cope with revolutions, corruption and lost tourists, her colleague Major Willoughby-Gore (John Quayle) was keen to see her fail and does his best to undermine her achievements. Of course her task was made even harder by the fact that she was a woman in a male dominated environment.
Other regular characters include Fidel Sanchez (Tony Haygarth) and Annie Begley (Joan Sims).
Of course in best Duty Free style the series never ventured beyond the confines of the TV studios.
Cast: Angela Thorne as Harriet Emily Farrington; John Quayle as Major Percy Willoughby-Gore; Tony Haygarth as Fidel Sanchez; Joan Sims as Annie Begley; Tim Barrett as P J Parker (series 1)
Writer: Dick Sharples / Music: Alan Hawkshaw / Producer and Director: Ronnie Baxter
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 14×30 minute episodes / Broadcast 13 February 1986 – 15 July 1987