In sitcom Father Matthew’s Daughter, when his sister is killed priest Father Matthew (James Bolam) becomes the guardian of her 8 year old daughter Holly (Samantha Hurst). He sends her to stay with the sister of his curate, Father Charlie and although Holly is initially a troubled, unhappy child, Father Matthew is determined to change her into a normal, happy girl again.
Series writers Terence Brady and Charlotte Bingham based the concept on a real life Catholic priest they knew who found himself in the same situation.
Cast: James Bolam as Father Matthew; Gabrielle Lloyd as Sharon; Ray Winstone as Father Charlie; Samantha Hurst as Holly
Writers: Terence Brady, Charlotte Bingham / Producer and Director: David Askey
UK / BBC Two / 6×30 minute episodes / Broadcast 11 May – 22 June 1987 Mondays 9.00pm