Conspiracy thriller Fields of Gold saw Lucia (Anna Friel), a newspaper photographer, working with Fleet Street hack, Roy Lodge (Phil Davis), uncovering a plot involving genetically modified crops while investigating some mysterious deaths at a cottage hospital. A young Benedict Cumberbatch also featured in a small role.
production details
UK / BBC One / 1×90 minute episode 1×55 minute episode / Broadcast 8 – 9 June 2002 at 9.05pm
Writers: Ronan Bennett, Alan Rusbridger / Executive Producer: Laura Mackie / Producer: Liza Marshall / Director: Bill Anderson
A young Benedict Cumberbatch had a small role in the two parter.cast
Anna Friel as Lucia Merritt
Phil Davis as Roy Lodge
Max Beesley as Mark Hurst
Tony Haygarth as George Hurst
Mark Strong as Doctor Tolkin
Dave McArdle as Ron Cook
James Fleet as Alan Buckley
Phyllis Logan as Rachel Greenlaw
Alphonsia Emmanuel as Karen Delage
Julie Legrand as Deborah Miller
Paul Freeman as Sir James Ferneyhough
David Schofield as Craig
Thomas Wheatley as Francis Chibnall
Matthew Delamere as Charlie Bell
Guy Henry as Andrew Mackintosh
Bradley Lavelle as Richard Elliott
William Hope as Nick Venner
Ian Peck as Harden
Gary McDonald as Johnson
Benedict Cumberbatch as Jeremy
Michael Feast as Wilf
Veronica Roberts as Senior Staff Nurse
Gwenllian Davies as Mrs Hurst
Paul Ritter as Chris Oatley
Ron Cook as Dave McArdle