Drama series detailing the problems in the life of employment lawyer Jonathan Vishnevski aka ‘Fish’.
Fish’s wife had mysteriously disappeared, leaving him to look after his young son, and he began an affair with Joanna Morgan. The other regular character was Trevor, an amateur philosopher who owned a mobile burger bar.
Written by actor/writer Stephen Tredre, after his death the series final scripting was finished by Matthew Bardsley, resulting in only one series being made.
production details
UK / BBC One – Principal Pictures / 6×50 minute episodes / Broadcast 2 May – 5 June 2000
Producer: Miriam Segal / Music: Simon Lacey / Costume: Lucinda Wright / Production Design: Andrew Purcell / Script Editor: Jake Ridell / Executive Producers: Mal Young, Sarah Boote
PAUL McGANN as Jonathan ‘Fish’ Vishnevski
JEMMA REDGRAVE as Joanna Morgan
MICK FORD as Trevor Morris
JACK STANLEY as Simon Vishnevski
PHILIP VOSS as Ivan Vishnevski
STEPHEN MOORE as Harold Cornice
CAROLINE HARDING as Juliette Vishnevski