Comedy series Frankly Howerd detailed episodes in the life of Frankie Howerd ‘ala’ Tony Hancock. The series stemmed from a previous collaboration between Howerd and his writers Reuben Ship and Phil Sharp called Frankie Howerd In Shakespeare Without Tears.
The series ended up being something of a flop, made at a time when Frankie Howerd was going through a tough patch and establishing a reputation for not being the easiest man to work with.
Cast: Frankie Howerd as Frank Howerd; Sidney Vivian as Fred Thompson; Helen Jessop as Gladys Thompson; Sam Kydd
Writers: Reuben Ship and an uncredited Phil Sharp / Producer: Harry Carlisle
UK / BBC / 6×30 minute episodes / Broadcast 1 May – 5 June 1959 Fridays 7.30pm