In sitcom Against The Grain Ed Clemons, a football mad insurance salesman in the town of Sumpter, Texas gives up his job to become coach to the less than successful Sumpter Mustangs football team.
Ben Affleck had an early supporting role in the series.
John Terry as Ed Clemons
Donna Bullock as Maggie Clemons
Ben Affleck as Joe Willie Clemons
Vanessa Evigan as Jenny Clemons
Stephen Tobolowsky as Niles Hardeman
Jeanine Jackson as Mindy Hardeman
Cheryl Felicia Rhoads as Winona
Tim Griffin as Mark
Robyn Lively as Jill Clemons
Michael Cudlitz as Bud Hardeman
Joe Ochman as Clyde
Rick Peters as Bobby Taylor
John Posey as Stan Langston
Denise Richards as Jodi Collins
Lara Steinick as Lynette
production details
Country: USA
Network: NBC
Duration: 8×25 minute episodes
Aired From: 1 October 1993 – 22 July 1994 / Fridays 8.00pm