In very popular thriller serial Harry’s Game, based on the best selling novel by Gerald Seymour (who also scripted), Army Captain Harry Brown (Ray Lonnen) goes undercover in Northern Ireland in order to track down an IRA killer.
A major critical and commercial success, the haunting theme tune by Clannad also made the charts.
Cast: Ray Lonnen as Captain Harry James Brown; Derek Thompson as Billy Downes; Benjamin Whitrow as Davidson; Nicholas Day as Bannen; Charles Lawson as Seamus Duffyn; Gil Brailey as Josephine Laverty; Sam Dale as Billy’s Driver; Geoffrey Russell as Home Secretary; Noel Johnson as General Sir Jocelyn Fairbairn; Sean Caffrey as Inspector Howard Rennie; Margaret Shevlin as Mrs Downes; Elizabeth Mickery as Neighbour; Geoffrey Chater as Colonel George Frost; Tony Rohr as Brigade Commander; Rita Howard as Mrs Duffryn
Writer: Gerald Seymour / Music: Clannad and Mike Moran / Design: Mike Long / Executive Producer: David Cunliffe / Producer: Keith Richardson / Director: Lawrence Gordon Clark
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 3×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 25-27 October 1982