Crime drama series Hawkins on Murder was a rare small screen outing for screen legend James Stewart. The series, made up of feature length stories, followed the cases of a laid back lawyer. The also known as Death and the Maiden.
Despite being critically well received and winning a Golden Globe Award, the series was cancelled after one season consisting of seven 90-minute episodes. Stewart requested the cancellation since he believed that the quality of scripts and directors in television could not continuously measure up to the level to which he was accustomed with theatrical films.
James Stewart as Billy Jim Hawkins
Strother Martin as R. J. Hawkins
Sam Elliott as Luther Wilkes
production info
First Air Date: October 2, 1973
Last Air Date: September 3, 1974
Genre: Crime drama
Country: USA
Network: CBS
Production Companies: MGM
Producer: Norman Felton
Number of Seasons: 1 Seasons
Number of Episodes: 7