Drama serial. When their business and family life hits crisis point, Richard and Deborah Bennett head for the sanctity of a religious Amish like commune called the Community of the Fathful deep in rural Wales.
After initial sceptism Richard becomes swept up in a tide of religious fervour and sets about trying to take control of the Community.
UK | BBC One | 2×85 minutes | 1998
Writer: Adrian Hodges | Producer: Julia Ouston | Director: Stuart Orme
Richard Bennett…………………………. NEIL PEARSON
Deborah Bennett………………………… GERALDINE SOMERVILLE
Mary Weston…………………………….. ISLA BLAIR
Isaac Muller……………………………… LIONEL JEFFRIES
Leo Kemp………………………………… JONATHAN HACKETT
Karl Brack……………………………….. WILLIAM LUCAS
Otto Kemp……………………………….. JEROME WILLIS
Charlotte Bennett………………………. JESSICA PLAYFOOT
Barbara Tucker…………………………. ZENIA MERTON