Kids scifi comedy series Helping Henry saw an alien (voiced by Jeremy Hardy who also co-wrote the series) from the planet Holgon travel to Earth, disguised as a dining room chair (that’s right a dining room chair), to make reports about life on the planet to his superiors.
Henry was befriended by young Stephen (Ian Harris) who helped Henry compile his reports which he sent back to his bosses Cosmics 1 and 2 (Richard Vernon and Martin Wimbush).
The series was aimed at pre-school kids and was a mixture of puppetry and live action.
Cast: JEREMY HARDY as Voice of Henry; RICHARD VERNON as Cosmic 1; MARTIN WIMBUSH as Cosmic 2; IAN HARRIS as Stephen; MIRANDA BOORMAN as Tricia
Writers: Chips Hardy, John Henderson / Puppeteer: Roman Stefanski / Producer: Madeleine French / Director: Philip Casson
UK / Channel 4 – Chips Hardy / 13×15 minute episodes / 28 February – 19 May 1988