Sitcom. Life in the suburbs following the adventures of two couples — Doug and Janine and Zack and Sarah – as they seek domestic bliss between the hedges of their well-manicured and subdivided lots.
Dondre Whitfield
Paula Marshall
Tamara Taylor as Sarah Timmerman
Kristin Bauer van Straten as Belinda Slypich
Louis Ferreira
Alexa Nikolas as Emily Barber
Stacy Galina
Sean Marquette
Gary Kroeger
production info
First Air Date: September 24th, 2002
Last Air Date: January 21st, 2003
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Network: NBC
Production Companies: Primarily Entertainment
Production Companies: Rude Mood Productions, NBC Studios, Primarily Entertainment
Creators: Peter Segal & Ric Swartzlander
Executive producers: Susanne Daniels, Peter Segal, Ric Swartzlander
Co-executive producers: Bob Kushell, Lester Lewis
Supervising producer: Gayle Abrams, Mark Burley
Producer: Michael Ewing
Consulting producer/director: Bob Berlinger
Co-producers: Barbie Feldman, Al Sonja L. Rice, Danielle Weinstock
Number of Seasons: 1 Seasons
Number of Episodes: 18 Episodes