Drama series about the lives of a group of women whose partners are soldiers serving in Afghanistan. For Tasha though things couldn’t be worse as her husband has just been killed in action.
Well cast (with yet another prominent role for Warren Brown) but it doesn’t offer up anything we haven’t seen before, ranging from Soldier Soldier to the more recent Prisoner’s Wives.
production details
UK | ITV1 Network | 6×60 minute episodes | Broadcast 27 September – 1 November 2012 Thursdays @ 9.00pm
Creator: Jan McVerry
Executive Producer: Kieran Roberts
Producer: Kim Crowther
Claire Skinner as Claire Marshbrook
Clare Higgins as Paula Raveley
Nicola Stephenson as Louise Mancetta
Antonia Thomas as Tasha Raveley
Warren Brown as Joe Mancetta
George Costigan as Sgt Howard Raveley
Rosie Day as Millie Bartham
Greg Wise as Major Peter Bartham
Amy Strange as Keeley
Dean Anthony Fagan as Adam Smeeton
Carla Henry as Julie Desford