Children’s fantasy drama series Into The Labyrinth saw sorcerer Rothgo (Ron Moody) finding himself in a constant battle with evil witch Belor (Pamela Salem) over control of a magical power called The Nidus.
A trio of teenagers, Phil (Simon Beal), Terry (Simon Henderson) and Helen (Lisa Turner) are also caught up in the fight which spanned across centuries as the two magicians fought for control. There was a bit of history in each episode too as Rothgo and Belor turned up as various historical or mythological characters.
There were some changes in the third season as Rothgo was replaced by Lazlo (Chris Harris).
Created by Bob Baker and Peter Graham Scott the series attracted some high quality writing talent including novelist Christopher Priest, Robert Holmes, Martin Worth and John Lucarotti.
Guest stars included Patrick Malahide, Jack Watson, Norman Bowler, Cyril Shaps, Conrad Phillips, John Abineri and June Barrie.
Cast: RON MOODY as Rothgo; PAMELA SALEM as Belor; SIMON BEAL as Phil; SIMON HENDERSON as Terry; LISA TURNER as Helen
Creator: Bob Baker, Peter Graham Scott / Music: Sidney Sagar / Producer: Peter Graham Scott
UK / ITV – HTV / 21×30 minute episodes / 13 May 1981 – 8 September 1982