A contemporary, chilling, paranormal tale set in the moody Pacific Northwest, the series spins a fascinating and complex web of drama. As strange, apparently unrelated events start happening, multiple story-lines – a missing wife, an assassin covering his crimes, a child on the run – begin to intertwine to reveal a conspiracy that will forever change our understanding of human nature.
Mira Sorvino as Amy Whelan
John Simm as Jack Whalen
Sonya Salomaa as Allison O’Donnell
James Frain as Richard Shepherd
Millie Bobby Brown as Madison O’Donnell
Tory Kittles as Gary Fischer
production info
First Air Date: August 23rd, 2014
Last Air Date: October 11th, 2014
Genres: Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Crime
Country USA
Network: BBC America
Production Company BBC Worldwide
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 8