Children’s comedy adventure series Jackson Pace: The Great Years detailed the exploits of the Indiana Jonesish explorer Jackson Pace (Keith Allen). Pace is on a quest to discover the treasure of ‘Kinard’- to do so he needed to find three special keystones that would give him access to a temple in the deepest part of the jungle of Ja Ja Bar (or as it turns the Granada TV studios). Also out to get the treasure was the evil Daken (Nic D’Avirro).
The six parter was written by actor Daniel Peacock (he also appeared) and was originally intended for an evening audience hence joke names like Kinard. The cast was excellent with a role for Josie Lawrence (as Ryveeta Tusk) and the legendary Hugh Paddick as Lord Taggon.
Cast: KEITH ALLEN as Jackson Pace; DANIEL PEACOCK as Roger Whibley; JOSIE LAWRENCE as Ryveeta Tusk; HUGH PADDICK as Lord Taggon; CORY PULMAN as Princess Layme; PAUL B DAVIES as Lord Layta; GIAN SAMMARCO as Filo; NIC D’AVIRRO as Daken
Writer: Daniel Peacock / Producer: Mark Robson / Director: Alistair Clark
UK / ITV – Granada / 6×30 minute episodes / 11 October – 15 November 1990 Thursdays at 4 40pm