In Jessie an idealistic teen from rural Texas embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to leave behind starry nights for big city lights. Thrilled to be on her own and determined not to be intimidated by New York City, she accepts a job as nanny for a high-profile couple with four kids. Helping to keep her moral compass in check are Bertram, the family’s butler, and Tony, the building’s 20-year-old doorman.
Debby Ryan as Jessie Prescott
Cameron Boyce as Luke Ross
Karan Brar as Ravi Ross
Skai Jackson as Zuri Ross
Kevin Chamberlin as Bertram
Peyton List as Emma Ross
production info
First Air Date: September 30th, 2011
Last Air Date: October 16th, 2015
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Network: Disney Channel
Production Companies Bon Mot Productions, It’s a Laugh Productions
Producer: Shari Tavey
Co-Producer: Stefen Maekawa
Executive Producers: Adam I. Lapidus, Pamela Eells
Number of Seasons: 4
Number of Episodes: 98