Jo is an English-language French police procedural television series created by Canadian/USA screenwriter René Balcer of Law & Order fame with French writing team Franck Ollivier & Malina Detcheva, known for the mini-series Lost Signs. It is co-produced by the French Atlantique Productions and the Belgian Stromboli Pictures companies in association with broadcast partners TF1, RTBF, Sat.1, ORF and RTS.
Jean Reno as Jo St-Clair
Jill Hennessy as Karyn
Tom Austen as Bayard
Orla Brady as Dormont
Heida Reed as Adele
Celyn Jones as Normand
Wunmi Mosaku as Angelique Alassane
Sean Pertwee as Charlie
Chris Brazier as Yannick Morin
Eriq Ebouaney as Amadou
René Balcer as Creator
Klaus Zimmermann as Creator
Olivier Bibas as Creator
René Balcer as Producer
Alfred Lot as Producer
Klaus Zimmermann as Producer
André Bouvard as Producer
France / TF1 / x45 minutes / 2013