ITV Sitcom Kindly Leave The Kerb, another Brian Cooke and Johnnie Mortimer series, followed the exploits of a pair of old buskers, Ernest Tanner (Peter Butterworth) and Sidney Rochester (Peter Jones). Meredith Edwards played Archie, the owner of the cafe the pair frequented.
The character had first appeared in a 1968 episode of The Ronnie Barker Playhouse called The Incredible Mr Tanner (here he was called Cyril and played by Barker himself of course). This series only ran for one season of six episodes but Mortimer and Cooke were clearly fond of the character reviving him in 1981 (again as The Incredible Mr Tanner) this time with Brian Murphy as Ernest Tanner.
Cast: Peter Butterworth as Ernest Tanner; Peter Jones as Sidney Rochester; Meredith Edwards as Archie
Writers: Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke / Producer: Derek Bennett
UK / ITV – London Weekend Television / 6×30 minute episodes / 22 May – 26 June 1971 Saturdays at 9.30pm