In one season ITV sitcom Land of Hope and Gloria American publicist Gloria Hepburn (Sheila Ferguson) takes over the running of English stately home Beaumont House (in the village of Hope Maltravers) as part of a bid by its owner Gerald Hope-Beaumont to save it from financial ruin. Some of his staff, including tour guide Evelyn (Daphne Oxenford) and Nanny Princeton (Joan Sanderson) are less than impressed but secretary Vanessa (Vivien Darke) and old retainer Crompton (John Rapley) are on Hope’s side.
Simon Brett wrote the series especially for Sheila Ferguson who is best known as lead singer of The Three Degrees. Sadly the fabulous Joan Sanderson (who also appeared in Simon Brett’s After Henry) died before the series aired.
Cast: Sheila Ferguson as Gloria Hepburn; Andrew Bicknell as Gerald Hope-Beaumont; Joan Sanderson as Nanny Princeton; Daphne Oxenford as Evelyn Spurling; John Rapley as Crompton; Vivien Darke as Vanessa
Writer: Simon Brett / Producer and Director: Peter Frazer-Jones
UK / ITV – Thames / 6×30 minute episodes / 24 June – 29 July 1992 Wednesdays at 8.30pm