In BBC sitcom Laura and Disorder disaster area Laura Kingsley (Wendy Craig), newly divorced, returns to England after 10 years in America to stay with her son Howard (Graham Sinclair).
Co-writer Jonathan Marr is actually a pseudonym for Wendy Craig, it wasn’t the first time she had used it. She contributed a large number of scripts to her popular 1970’s sitcom And Mother Makes Five.
Cast: Wendy Craig as Laura Kingsley; Stephen Persaud as Oberon; Graham Sinclair as Howard Kingsley; Sally Hughes as Helen Kingsley
Writers: Jonathan Marr, Ross Bentley, (Marr is a pseudonym for Wendy Craig) / Producer and Director: John B. Hobbs
UK / BBC One / 6×30 minute episodes / 19 February – 26 March 1989 Sundays at 7.15pm