Period drama serial Lost Empires, based on the novel by J.B. Priestley began just before World War, when Richard Herncastle (Colin Firth) joins a travelling theatre company and has his eyes opened to love and life.
On the 22 Feb 1987 there was a one off show broadcast called Top of the Bill which was a compilation of all the different variety acts featured in the series.
Cast: Colin Firth as Richard Herncastle; Emil Wolk as Ricarlo; Carmen du Sautoy as Julie Blaine; John Castle as Nicj Ollanton; Gillian Bevan as Cissie Mapes; Brian Glover as Tommy Beamish; Anthony Newlands as Hubert Courtenay; Neil Boorman as Ben Hayes; Ted Morris as Sam Hayes; Mike Edmonds as Barney; Beatie Edney as Nancy Ellis; Laurence Olivier; Gustav Colmar as Jean-Marie Segal; Pamela Stephenson; Charlotte Plowright as Maisie Dawe; Jim Carter as Inspector Crabb
Writer: Ian Curteis / Novel: J.B. Priestley / Music: Derek Hilton / Producer: June Howson
UK / ITV – Granada / 1×120 minute episode 6×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 24 October – 5 December 1986