This short lived sitcom was a brief revival of the contentious UK show Love Thy Neighbour that saw bigoted Eddie Booth (Jack Smethurst) freshly ensconced in a Sidney suburb called Blacktown.
Love Thy Neighbour was always very popular in Australia and like many other shows of the era such as Father Dear Father, The Doctor in the House series and even The Two Ronnies and Benny Hill local versions were a great way to get extra milage out of the format. Here only Jack Smethurst featured amongst the original cast but original series co-creator Vince Powell was involved as was producer William G. Stewart.
Cast: Jack Smethurst as Eddie Booth; Robert Hughes as Bernard Smith; Russell Newman as Jim Lawson; Sue Jones as Joyce Smith; Graham Rouse as Cyril; Ken Goodlet as Joe Marley
Writers: Vince Powell, Ken Sterling / Producer and Director: William G. Stewart
UK / 7 Network / 7×30 minute episodes / 1980 4 May – 15 June