In sitcom Maggie and Her, produced by London Weekend Television for ITV, Julia McKenzie played 30 something divorced schoolteacher Maggie who lives alone in a nice flat. The fabulous Irene Handl is her elderly interfering but good hearted neighbour Mrs Perry aka Mrs P. Maggie is quite keen on finding another ‘fella’ but Mrs P somehow always manages to upset Maggie’s romantic chances.
There were guest appearances from the likes of Betty Romaine (best known for her long running role as Georgie Weeks in Within These Walls), Derek Martin, Tommy Godfrey, Roy Holder and Joss Ackland.
The theme tune, written by Laurie Holloway, was sung by Julia.
In the TV Times for the week of the premiere episode there was a short feature on Julia McKenzie and how the show aggravated her bad back (she had suffered a slipped disc some time before), mainly because there were several scenes involving moving furniture around.
Maggie and Her was written by Leonard Webb and lasted for 13 episodes running from 13 January 1978 – 27 May 1979. There had been a pilot called Poppy and Her broadcast on 13 August 1976. The producers were David Askey and Simon Brett.
Cast: Julia McKenzie, Irene Handl,