Malory Towers is a 13-part drama based on the iconic novels by Enid Blyton, following the adventures of Darrell Rivers as she leaves home for the first time to attend an all-girls’ boarding school. Set in post-war Britain on the sun-drenched cliffs of the Cornish coast, the series explores a nostalgic world of midnight feasts, lacrosse, pranks, a mystery ghost and lasting friendships.
Ella Bright as Darrell Rivers
Danya Griver as Gwendoline Mary Lacey
Zoey Siewert as Alicia Johns
Sienna Arif-Knights as Sally Hope
Twinkle Jaiswal as Katherine
Imogen Lamb as Mary-Lou
Saskia Kemkers as Emily
Beth Bradfield as Jean
Natasha Raphael as Irene
Hannah Saxby as Pamela
Ashley McGuire as Matron
Genevieve Beaudet as Mam’zelle Rougier
Imali Perera as Miss Potts
Jennifer Wigmore as Miss Grayling
Christine Horne as Margaret
Based on the Malory Towers book series by Enid Blyton
Executive Producers: Josh Scherba, Anne Loi, Michael Goldsmith, Jo Sargent
UK – Canada / CBBC – Family Channel / 13×25 minutes / 2020