Crime drama based on a true story, Manhunt (an over used title if ever there was one) focuses on the tracking down of serial killer Levi Bellfield by Detective Chief Inspector Colin Sutton in the mid 2000’s.
Despite his relative inexperience Sutton found himself heading up the murder investigation of French National Amelie Delagrange in 2004. Sutton’s dogged investigation led to links being discovered between the murders of Marsha McDonnell and Milly Dowler.
The story is based on Sutton’s own memoirs.
Martin Clunes as DCI Colin Sutton
Claudie Blakley as Louise Sutton
Katie Lyons as DS Jo Brunt
Stephen Wight as DC Clive Grace
Nicholas Burns as DI Richard Ambrose
Peter Forbes as DCS Andy Murphy
Jay Taylor as DI Chris Saunders
Steve Furst as DC Gary Cunningham
Steffan Rhodri as DC Neil Jones
Christopher Fulford as DCI Brian Marjoram
Cornelius Booth as DCI Dave Cobb
James Puddephatt as DC Garry Fuller
Howard Ward as Det. Supt. Steve Scott
crew details
Writer: Ed Whitmore
Producer: Philippa Braithwaite
Director: Marc Evans
production details
Country: UK
Network and Production Companies: ITV – Buffalo Pictures
Duration: unknown at this point
Aired From: 6 January 2019.