In popular sitcom Me Mammy sucessful Irish businessman Bunjy Kennefick (Milo O’Shea) still lives with his widowed mother (Anna Manahan), his secretary/girlfriend Miss Argyll (Yootha Joyce) is less than impressed with this situation.
Milo O’Shea was actually a few years older than Anna Manahan when the series was made, despite the fact that she was playing his mother. The series began life as an entry in Comedy Playhouse strand broadcast on 14 June 1968.
Cast: Milo O’Shea as Bunjy Kennefick; Anna Manahan as Mrs Kennefick; Yootha Joyce as Miss Argyll; Ray McAnally as Father Patrick; David Kelly as Cousin Enda
Writer: Hugh Leonard / Producer: James Gilbert (Seasons 1-2), Sydney Lotterby (Season 3)
UK / BBC One / 21×30 minute episodes / 15 September 1969 – 11 June 1971