In festive TV Movie, Memories of Christmas, Noelle was raised by the queen of Christmas. When she inherits her late mother’s house, she finds out that her mother had been hiring someone to decorate it — Dave. The deal is off, but Dave convinces Noelle to let him carry on the tradition. As the display goes up, Noelle’s defenses start to come down. She embraces the town’s Christmas gala that was her mother’s legacy, finds unexpected love, and develops a joy for the holidays that she never thought possible.
production details
USA | HMC | 84 minutes | Broadcast Saturday 8 December 2018
Director: Tibor Takács
Christina Milian as Noelle
Mark Taylor as Dave
Brandi Alexander as Karen
Lisa Chandler as Cory
Garry Chalk as Mike
Rhonda Dent as Angela
Jaime M. Callica as Rex
Mat Lo as Allen