Korean Netflix series Memories of the Alhambra is a suspense romance drama that revolves around an investment company CEO Yoo Jin-woo (played by Hyun Bin) who visits Granada, Spain, for a business trip and gets involved in a mysterious incident after staying in an old hostel run by Jung Hee-joo (played by Park Shin-hye).
The leading cast, Hyun Bin (Secret Garden and My Lovely Sam-Soon) and Park Shin-hye (Pinocchio and Heirs) are beloved talent not only in Korea but also across Asia.
Memories of the Alhambra, launches globally starting from December 1st. Starting with its release in Asia and English-speaking territories an hour after broadcast in Korea, the series will also be available on the next day in Japan. Memories of Alhambra will launch 2 episodes a week in the rest of the world starting from Dec 11, including Europe and South America.
production details
Korea | Netflix – Studio Dragon | x70 minutes | 2018
Script: Song Jae-Jung
Hyun Bin as Yoo Jin-Woo
Park Shin-hye as Jung Hee-Joo
Park Chanyeol as Jung Se-Joo
Han Bo-Reum as Go Yoo-Ra
Park Hoon as Cha Hyung-Seok
Lee Hak-joo as Kim Sang-Beom
Kim Eui-sung as Cha Byung-Joon
Min Jin-woong as Seo Jung-Hoon
Lee Seung-joon as Park Sun-Ho
Cho Hyun-chul as Choi Yang-Joo
Lee Re as Jung Min-Joo
Lee Si-Won as Lee Soo-Jin