ITV crime thriller Mind Games focused on Frances O’Neill (Fiona Shaw), a criminal profiler (and former nun), who was investigating the murder of a pair of middle-aged women. Following another murder O’Neill realises a sinister plot is under way.
Mind Games was one of Lynda La Plante’s lesser known productions, it was probably hoped that a series would follow but there was just this one feature length story. The casting was strong though and included a young Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Salmon and Sara Kestelman. Tanya Ronder who played DC Samantha Western was a one time child actress who had appeared in iconic 1970’s BBC post apocalyptic drama Survivors.
Cast: FIONA SHAW as Frances O’Neill / FINBAR LYNCH as DCI Chris Med-Wynter / COLIN SALMON as DI Ricky Glover / SARA KESTELMAN as Dr Davina Ward / CHIWETEL EJIOFOR as Tyler Arnold / GRAHAM TURNER as Martin Savage / CRISPIN BONHAM TURNER as DC Terry Beale / IAN TARGETT as DS Roger Ball / GEOFFREY CHURCH as DC Matt Begg / TANYA RONDER as DC Samantha Western / LISA PALFREY as DC Rebecca Longton / PAUL CHILD as Steven / STEVAN RIMKUS as Gary Little / JUDITH PARIS as Mrs Kaminski
Writer and Producer: Lynda La Plante / Director: Richard Standeven
UK / ITV Network / 1×120 minutes / Saturday 6 January 2001 at 9.10pm