Reality series Models, Misfits and Mayhem follows a group of wannabe models (of varying shapes and sizes) as they undergo tuition at the London School of Modelling.
The hopefuls are determined to to impress the school’s staff and learn the skills they need to break into the fashion industry and land work from catwalks to catalogues. The show features a flamboyant cast of teachers and wannabes, including no-nonsense principal Debbie King, catwalk professor Mr Fierce and Demetri, the head of hair and make-up, who expects his students to demonstrate determination, passion, stamina, patience, drive – and a thick skin.
The models also receive guidance and support from former male model Matthew Holbrook. Matthew has appeared in the pages of Vogue and GQ magazines, so he really knows what the business is like for working models. In the first episode, Debbie and the teachers try to turn 15 students into models in just four days. With casting agents turning up at the end of the bootcamp, the staff have their work cut out for them.
production details
UK | ITV 2 | 30 minutes | AIRDATE: From Tuesday 11 October 2011 @ 10.00pm