In slapstick sitcom Mr Pastry’s Pet Shop, after visiting Jersey Zoo, Mr Pastry (Richard Hearne) decides to set up his own lavish zoo but then decides on a pet shop.
This was another in the long line of Mr Pastry sitcoms. They were all very similar, each one only usually ran for a few episodes. Long enough to explore the situation and then move on. The six part series received a repeat showing in October 1963.
Guest stars included Christopher Trace (the Blue Peter presenter), Joe Greig, Peter Diamond, Roger Kemp, John Dawson and Ivan Owen.
Cast: Richard Hearne as Mr Pastry; Barbara Hicks as Miss Print; Cambria Smith as Susan; Roger May as Michael
Writers: James Cairncross, Richard Hearne / Producer: David Goddard
UK / BBC / 6×25 minute episodes / 17 November – 22 December 1962 Saturdays at 5.25pm