In drama series Nashville Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business.
In Nashville, musicians and songwriters are at the heart of the storm driven by their own ambitions. Some are fueled by their creativity and passion for fame. Others struggle to cope with the pressures of success and are doing everything in their power to stay on top.
From CMT’s press release, May 2018… This summer, Nashville, the groundbreaking music drama, returns to the stage for a triumphant swan song. In the final eight episodes, Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) returns in full force and ready to take on cult leader Darius. Deacon (Charles Esten) is forced to face his past when an unwelcomed visitor arrives. Daphne (Maisy Stella) takes center stage under the guidance of Deacon’s biggest foe, while Maddie (Lennon Stella) questions her relationship with Jonah. Scarlett (Clare Bowen) forces Sean out of his comfort zone, while Avery (Jonathan Jackson) and Gunnar (Sam Palladio) struggle to move forward with their band without Will (Chris Carmack).
production details
USA | CMT | 124×42 minutes | Broadcast 10 October 2012 – 26 July 2018
Creators: Callie Khouri, Max Axall
Charles Esten as Deacon Claybourne
Chris Carmack as Will Lexington
Clare Bowen as Scarlett O’Connor
Connie Britton as Rayna Jaymes
Hayden Panettiere as Juliette Barnes
Jonathan Jackson as Avery Barkley
Lennon Stella as Maddie Conrad
Maisy Stella as Daphne Conrad
Sam Palladio as Gunnar Scott
Aubrey Peeples as Layla Grant
Eric Close as Teddy Conrad
Oliver Hudson as Jeff Fordham
Powers Boothe as Lamar Wyatt
Robert Ray Wisdom as Coleman Carlisle
Will Chase as Luke Wheeler