In No Sleep ‘Til Christmas, an unexpected and whimsical holiday romantic-comedy about two insomniac strangers plagued by exhaustion, Lizzie (Odette Annable) is a high-end event planner preparing for her own life’s biggest event – her wedding. She lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh (Charles Michael Davis) rests peacefully, unaware of how to solve her issue.
When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy (Dave Annable), a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other. What seems like an odd coincidence, and frankly a disruption to their lives, might be more meaningful than they’d like to admit.
The leads, Odette and Dave, are married in real life.
production details
USA | Freeform | 120 minutes | 2018
Brent Shields as Executive Producer
Cameron Johann as Executive Producer
Phil Traill as Writer, Executive Producer and Director
Steve Smith as Writer
Odette Annable as Lizzie Hinnel
Charles Michael Davis as Josh Wright
Dave Annable as Billy Wilson
Alphonso McAuley as Andy
Sheryl Lee Ralph as Mrs. Wright